It's a beer. It's alcohol free...
Hi, hello...everyone!
It's me...oh, how happy I am to be back to this blog again. I really truly deeply madly miss my blog and all of you...
Actually I've planned and tried to comeback to this blog after my hiatus earlier than today. I am so sorry, I never mean to take a rest for such a long time like this. But you know what, for some times ago, accidentally I could not sign in this blog. I didn't know why, I remember clearly my password. And I think I always type it correctly. But whenever I hit the sign in button, it said that my password was wrong. I kept trying again the next days. And, today, it works! Finally, after some trial and failure, I can sign in with the very same password! Can you believe that? Ah, I hope it will never happen again.

By the way, the idfb challenge for this month is kreasi dapur bersama sajian sedap. Of course, I don't want to miss it. Sajian sedap website alongside with tabloid Saji and Sedap magazine are my favourite resources in coking and baking. I've tried so many of their recipes and most of them are simple and taste really good, with such easy and clear steps that make the ordinary person like me can cook look-like and feel-like a pro.
Today, for this challenge, I come with a beer from Betawi called bir pletok. A beer, really? Not of course. It's a herbal drink actually, made by boiling herbs and spices. Then why people call it a beer? Well, I once read somewhere that this drink first came out around the Dutch colonial era. At that time, Betawi people wanted to drink like the meneer but without being drunk. Then they boiled ginger and other spices, poured it in the bamboo, added some ice blocks and shook it. It is said that the activity of shaking the drink made the sound ... pletok...pletok.... And the drink came out frothy, exactly the same as a beer.
Today, for this challenge, I come with a beer from Betawi called bir pletok. A beer, really? Not of course. It's a herbal drink actually, made by boiling herbs and spices. Then why people call it a beer? Well, I once read somewhere that this drink first came out around the Dutch colonial era. At that time, Betawi people wanted to drink like the meneer but without being drunk. Then they boiled ginger and other spices, poured it in the bamboo, added some ice blocks and shook it. It is said that the activity of shaking the drink made the sound ... pletok...pletok.... And the drink came out frothy, exactly the same as a beer.
Unfortunately, the recipe for bir pletok in sajian sedap webside is not well written, some ingredients are not clearly mentioned, like only 5 ... 3 ... 1/4 ... What are they? Luckily I have a Sedap magazine that cover the same recipe so that I can track those missing ingredients. 5... is 5 gr secang woods (wood that can produce a natural red colour), 3 ... is 3 pandan leaves, and 1/4 ... is for nutmeg.
If we follow the recipe, the colour of this drink will be brown. But I want it to be red. So, I added much more kayu secang (secang wood) in it until I get the red colour I like. Such a pretty colour, right? How is the taste? Mmmmm.... hot, spicy, fragrant, and leave a warm feeling in our throat, tummy and heart .... I like it. I will definitely make it again someday.
If we follow the recipe, the colour of this drink will be brown. But I want it to be red. So, I added much more kayu secang (secang wood) in it until I get the red colour I like. Such a pretty colour, right? How is the taste? Mmmmm.... hot, spicy, fragrant, and leave a warm feeling in our throat, tummy and heart .... I like it. I will definitely make it again someday.
Now, let 's have a glass of warm bir pletok... cheers...
Bir Pletok
by Sedap Magazine
1.5 lt water
100 gr ginger, grilled on fire, thinly sliced
150 gr sugar
1/4 tsp salt
50 gr palm sugar, grated
4 cm cinnamon
2 lemongrass, bruised
5 cloves
5 gr kayu secang (add more to get the red colour, up to 20 gr)
5 keffir lime leaves
3 pandan leaves, torn
1/4 nutmeg, bruised
Boil all ingredients together.
Simmer on a very low heat for 30 minutes or better more
until the water turns red and fragrant.
Strain. Serve warm
or cool it in the fridge
and whiz in the blender until frothy
or cool it in the fridge
and whiz in the blender until frothy
Mwah keren mbaaaaaa.....sekalinya balik nulis langsung mak kasih mba anna udah ikutan challenge kali ini.....
ReplyDeleteThanks mba, challenge ini jd penyemangatku utk comeback nih.... my pleasure to joint your event
Deletewow, jd pengen minum bir pletok nih,
ReplyDeletetp klo dicampur bir beneran juga enak kok....
Oh ya, tapi kalo saya teuteup pilih bir pletoknya saja ah...thanks udah mampir ya
DeleteAnna......Alhamdulillah udah semangat blogging lagi ya, ikut seneng. Kereennn, suka bingit. Btw ngeliat fotonya aja bikin ngeces, apalagi klo nyicip beneran bir pletoknya ya, anget nih di badan cocok ama cuaca sekarang :)
ReplyDeleteThanks may... iya, Alhamdulillah akun blogger yg kemarin 2 bermasalah sekarang udah oke lagi, jadi mudah2an bisa mulai bisa aktif lagi...