Tuesday 6 August 2013

Gluten-free Kue Kacang Jadul

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Taqabballahu Minna Wa Minkum
Minal Aidin wal faizin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

For all my very good friends,
Wishing us at this Eid and after
Allah bless us with lots of
Love, happiness, Peace and Success.

Monday 5 August 2013

Roti manis (Water roux)

Beside kolak pisang nangka, I also made this soft bread for tadarusan at the masjid. 
Hope they like it...

Kolak Pisang Nangka

Ramadan is almost over, my dear friends. I haven't posted anything about foods for iftor as I planned since the beginning. Didn't I make anything for iftor? Mmmm...let me remember...