Sunday 22 February 2015

Gluten-Free Chocolate Pancake and Crepes

Last night, my daughter Erin has already told me what she wanted to have for her snack box today. But I forget, did she say pancake or crepes? Since I bookmarked this gluten-free pancake from tabloid Saji for such a long time, I decided to try it. Hope that it was a pancake that she wanted.

This recipe uses glutinous flour and rice flour instead of wheat flour, that's what catches my eyes at the first time. Then, the red kidney beans as the filling made me more willing to try. Because I still had soy milk in the fridge, I then used soy milk instead of cow milk. And because I didn't have baking powder, I just omitted it. Then, because I am not a sweet tooth, I reduced the sugar amount into only 25 gr. 

How's the result? The sweetness, for me, was just fine. But if you like sweet things please feel free not to reduce it. The cocoa was so strong, tend to a bit bitter, but could cover the taste of the flours, the soy milk, and the red kidney beans completely. However, the texture was not fluffy. 

When Erin came down the kitchen, she asked me, 'what are you making mommy?'. 'Pancake', I replied. 'But, mommy, I said I wanted crepes', she said. 'Oh, really?' I replied. Oke then, I'll make another batch'... I added the soy milk into 200 ml to make the crepes batter and reduced the cocoa a little bit. This crepes was soft but turned crispier if we cook it a bit longer. The sweetness and chocolate taste was just fine. 

My children liked both the pancake and the crepes...And, sssst....they never know that the filling had red kidney bean inside. They thought it was just chocolate paste...

Friday 20 February 2015

Kue Keranjang

Happy Chinese New Year
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Wishing all of you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year 
Lots of good friends and good food

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Kentang dan Ubi Wedges

Hari terakhir ncc pangan lokal Week nih teman-teman...mudah-mudahan masih bisa diterima ya laporannya... Masih semangat dengan pangan lokal, hari ini saya bikin kentang dan ubi wedges sebagai teman si nugget ayam udang tahu wortel dan sayur kukus untuk bekal anak-anak ke sekolah. 

Biasanya saya menggunakan olive oil dan oregano ketika membuat wedges, tapi hari ini coba menggunakan minyak biasa yang ada di dapur dan daun seledri biar berasa lokalnya. Kentang dan ubinya juga yang biasa aja, cuma beli di tukang sayur keliling. Pokoknya pakai bahan sederhana yang ada saja. Dan ternyata tetep enak kok, beneran... terutama yang kentang. walaupun kurang original tapi mungkin lebih cocok untuk lidah Indonesia daripada yang pakai olive oil. Anak-anak suka banget, dicemilin terus sampai-sampai hanya tersisa sedikit aja yang untuk bekal...

Sunday 15 February 2015

Prol Ubi Kismis

Biasanya prol terbuat dari tape singkong. Saya pernah membuatnya di sini. Kali ini pengen coba yang versi ubi. Resep ini saya dapat dari tabloid koki edisi Juni 2012. Ubi yang saya pakai kali ini yang kulitnya berwarna merah dan dagingnya berwarna jingga.

Saya membuat prol ini dibantu anak-anak saya, Erin 7 th dan Alaina 3 th. Mereka yang menghaluskan ubi, mengocok telur, mengayak terigu, dan mengaduk adonan. Lalu, tugas saya apa? He he... hanya memberi instruksi dan membantu memasukkan adonan ke loyang lalu ke oven....

Mungkin karena terlalu lama dan kuat mereka mengaduk adonan, prol ini jadi mengembang dan retak-retak ketika dipanggang. Sehingga permukaannya tidak mulus rata. It's oke lah ya...yang penting mereka sudah bersenang-senang dan belajar mengenal dan menyukai ubi sebagai pangan lokal Indonesia.