Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Gulai cubadak

I usually cook young jackfruit (or nangka in Bahasa Indonesia or cubadak in West Sumatra) for lodeh (coconut milk soup) or megono (young jackfruit steamed with grated coconut). But some days ago my friends Rosdaniar and Pepy suggested me to try it in gulai (cooked in curry-like sauce). Pepy has the recipe in her blog, Indonesiaeats. Iam happy to try her recipe because she used shrimp instead of beef. I am not a big fans of beef. So, if there is a choice, I prefer seafood than beef. This gulai was very good, perfect to eat with lontong. Thanks Pep ^^ (If you want the recipe please go to her blog).

Actually I made this for the idfb challenge 7. But before I posted this entry, some other friends already posted about this as well. So, what should I do now? Keep submitting this entry or try to cook another gulai/curry? 

Still 2 days to go...let's see what can I do...


  1. wah ada challege apa di IDBF lama nian tak berkunjung ke sana hehe..
    ngomong2 mana badaknya hihihi...

    *ngintip dulu resepnya ah...

  2. challenge yg ke 7 mba, temanya gulai atau kari. ayo ikutan, masih ada waktu 2 hari lagi.
    Badaknya lagi mudik ke ujungkulon mba ...he he

    1. iya nih blm pernah ikutan...bisanya ngintip doang...:D

    2. Ayo ikutan dong mba, buat seru-seruan...menang ya Alhamdulillah, ga menang ya ... agak kecewa juga...he he *aku udah menang 2 kali lho, walaupn bukan first prize*

  3. wah baru tau kalo cubadak itu nangka muda, Mbak....disini ada, tp kemasan kalengan. blm pernah beli.... :)

    1. Dulu di Aussie aku juga sering beli yang kalengan itu, buatan thailand kalo ga salah ya. Aku masak utk sayur lodeh, tapi aku rebus dulu sekali, buang air rebusannya biar ga asam. Baru diolah. Enak juga kok ^^
